Evolving as a less formal version of traditional cricket, tape ball’s history is deeply rooted in 1960’s Karachi (the Pakistan’s megapolis). Karachi severely lacked cricket grounds and resources to support conventional sport, thus younger cricket enthusiasts discovered an innovative way to satisfy their thrust for cricket. They found a technique of wrapping common tennis ball with an electrical tape and playing it at an every nook and corner of the city.
The conventional cricket ball is made out of cork and leather, requires a stronger cricket bat, and poses a constant danger to players and passers-by who may be struck and severely injured by the ball. On the other hand tennis ball is light thus incapable of gaining sufficient speed. However once tennis ball is wrapped with electrical tape, it’s weight and traction are increased, which in turn leads to greater bounce and speed. The tape ball is thus a sound compromise between safety and sincerity to the sport.
Evolving into a street cricket tape ball literally flourished on Karachi’s streets during days and often late nights till early morning hours under makeshift floodlights.
Night tape ball cricket evolved as a new phenomenon perhaps much earlier than it got applied to a traditional cricket. Night tournaments attracted teams from far and beyond to contest against each other, amid milder temperatures and more relaxed environment. The informal nature of the game, not required much of gear except a lightweight bat, a taped tennis ball and any hard or paved surface. The imaginary play area including the boundary line would mostly be left at a virtual understanding of the players.
As the time progressed, tape ball cricket got very popular among Pakistani youth and almost rose to be ranked as most favorite past time and sub culture. It could be seen played on streets, parks, parking lots, grounds and fields in almost every city, town and village. Perhaps the same folks who grew up with it brought it with them to Middle East, Europe and North America. Tape Ball Cricket played an integral role in Pakistani cricket as almost every youth has been exposed to it one way of the other. It has helped develop amazing stars which though started as tape ball but eventually found their way onto conventional cricket.